Friday, January 2, 2009

End of the Year

As in High School, music, fitness and pretty much everything in general, I can't do better than Jenni! Here's a record of our fabulous Tuesday night last week. I was going to create a post myself, but when hers is so beautiful, why??

On New Year's Eve, my friend Janeen came over to hang out. We walked over to Three Monkeys for dinner (it was FREEZING), watched Sex & the City and Enchanted, and rang in the new year with a bottle of Prosecco. OK, it's not champagne. And even though it's a sparkly wine, it didn't have a champagne cork! So we had to use my wine bottle opener ... which broke. So we had to use the backup wine bottle opener (which I keep in my knitting bag for Knit Night). OK, we were about 5 minutes late actually ringing in the New Year, but hey, it's SO CLICHE to toast when everyone else is. We are UNIQUE.